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Director of Transportation

Tara Davis

(662) 289-4771

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  • Transportation Department

    Keeping your children safe is our utmost priority. Working with you, we can continue to keep your children safe as they travel to and from school each day. Our goal is to provide the safest and most efficient transportation possible for the students of Kosciusko. We know that if students have trouble getting to school or are late to school, they cannot learn. Please help us keep the children of Kosciusko safe by observing school buses and children standing at bus stops. If you are a parent, please have your child at the bus stop early. Working together, we will keep our children safe. If you have suggestions about how we can improve our processes, please let us know.

    Thank you for your interest in our department.



    Bus Safety

     Throughout the school year, our top priority is keeping your children safe as they ride the bus to and from school. Below are some helpful reminders to keep in mind as you help your child get ready for riding the bus:

    • Talk with your children about their behavior while riding the bus. Explain that once on the bus, they should quickly locate a seat and sit down immediately.
    • Explain that it is important to talk quietly and not be loud or unruly. Sudden yelling or movements can startle the bus driver and could cause an accident.
    • If your child has a conflict with another child on the bus, tell him/her to wait until the bus has come to its destination, and then report it to the bus driver. Ask your child to report the incident to his or her teacher as well.
    • While your child is waiting for the bus, stress that he or she should never push or shove other children. Doing so could result in a child falling into the path of the oncoming bus.
    • A child should never cross the street directly in front of the bus. He or she should always cross beside the bus or walk to an approved crosswalk or street light to cross safely.
    • Review the lights and symbols on the bus so that you and your child understand that a red flashing light or stop sign means that cars need to stop at least 15 feet away both in front and behind the bus.

    Knowing the tips for safety can mean a safe ride for all of the children and adults on the bus.

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