What is the attendance policy at Kosciusko High?
We expect our students to be in school except in cases of emergency or for one of the following reasons: personal illness, family illness, death of a relative, quarantine of the home, doctor appointment for illness, and other special reasons prearranged with the principal. We encourage students to make dental appointments for after-school hours.
We will only accept five parent excuses per year. After the fifth parent excuse, we will issue an unexcused absence slip unless the student has a doctor’s note or has arranged a pre-approved absence with the principal and/or assistant principal. After five unexcused absences, we will refer students to the Attala County Attendance Officer.
Please review our student handbook for additional details regarding our attendance policy. You can find the handbook in the For Parents/Students section.
Do you accept students currently living in other school districts?
Students who live in another school district and wish to attend Kosciusko High School must obtain a transfer permit from their district’s school board. The student will be responsible for his or her own transportation, and we will require the student to pay tuition. Please contact our office for more information.
What is the dress code at Kosciusko High School?
We expect our students to keep themselves well-groomed and neatly dressed at all times. Our students may not wear any form of dress or hairstyle that is contrary to good hygiene or is detrimental to the conduct of the school. We do not permit:
- Shorts (for boys or girls)
- Tube tops, halters, backless garments, exposed midriffs, braless garments
- Mini-skirts (skirts must come to the bend of the knee)
- Sweats, pajama pants, or similar clothing
- Clothing advertising alcoholic beverages or those with obscene or questionable printing
- Clothing representative of gang activity
- Sagging clothing (pants must be worn at the waist by both boys and girls)
- Sunglasses, hats, or caps during school hours
- Clothing that promotes violence, vulgarity, etc.
- Rubber bands around pant legs
Additionally, we request that, unless the construction of the clothing prevents it, shirts (including T-shirts) must be tucked inside trousers. Girls may have only one item (such as a cardigan) outside of trousers. Boys must wear a properly fastened belt. Students must keep all fasteners designed for use with an article of clothing fastened at all times, with the exception of the top button on collars. Students must wear shoes.
The Kosciusko dress code applies to all school-sponsored events.
Does Kosciusko offer school lunch? Is my child allowed to bring lunch from home?
We offer meals for purchase in the cafeteria during lunch hours (see our current lunch menu). Students eating cafeteria food must eat in the dining area; and we expect all students eating in the cafeteria to be orderly, tidy, and polite. We do not allow parents to bring lunches, home-cooked meals, or take-out orders to the school or cafeteria; however, students may bring lunch from home. These students may eat outside, and any students not eating should report outside during good weather.
Are students allowed to bring cell phones or other electronic devices to school?
We do not permit students to have electronic communication devices, such as cell phones, on their person at any time while at school or on the school bus. Likewise, students may not bring smart devices, electronic games, or cameras to school. If brought to school, we will confiscate the items, and we will require parents to pick up the device for a $25.00 charge. We will not release any devices to the students themselves, and we have the right to destroy any such devices if they are not claimed by a parent within 30 days. The school is not responsible for items that are stolen.
What are your bus regulations?
Only those students eligible to ride a bus may ride, and students may not ride any bus other than their assigned bus without permission from the principal. The school bus driver is responsible to the school district to maintain student order and to ensure maximum safety at all times; and students are subject to school authority and all school regulations while riding the bus. Riding a school bus is a privilege, not a right, and we may revoke the privilege at any time if a student’s behavior is not in line with our expectations for bus riders. If you have questions regarding bus routes, please contact our office.
Is my child allowed to drive to school?
At present, Kosciusko High School has parking spaces to accommodate student drivers, if the spaces are properly used. All drivers must follow these regulations:
1. Drive carefully and thoughtfully at all times.
2. Do not speed, drive recklessly, race engines, or squeal tires.
3. Do not linger in a parked car. We do not allow students to sit in parked cars on campus at any time.Please remember that parking on school property is a privilege, and we reserve the right to revoke that privilege at any time if the student fails to operate the vehicle responsibly and safely. Also, the Kosciusko school administration has the right to search, with probable cause, any or all vehicles parked on school campus.
Will my child be permitted to take medication while on campus?
No student may administer his or her own medicine. Administrative personnel will be responsible for the administration of all medications*, including prescription, non-prescription, and stock medications. Stock medications include Tylenol, Pepto-Bismol, Tums, Benadryl, and Motrin.
A parent/guardian must complete a medication authorization for all medications, and a physician must complete a physician authorization form for any long-term medications, prescription or non-prescription. Students must surrender all prescription and over-the-counter drugs to the principal’s office upon arriving to school, and medication must be in the original container with the label intact, including the student’s name, dosage, and the expiration date of the medication. Parents should only send a school week’s supply of medication at a time, and the student may pick up the empty container on Friday. The parent/guardian is responsible for notifying the school of any changes concerning the administration of medication.
As part of registration, a parent/guardian of each student should complete a Student Health Card. Parents/guardians must update the card as needed.
*A student with asthma may possess and use asthma medications when on school properties and at school-sponsored activities. The school is neither liable nor responsible for any injury sustained by the student from the self-administration of asthma medications (MS Code of 1972).