  • K-12 Breakfast Menu
  • K-5 Lunch Menu
  • 6-8 Lunch Menu
  • 9-12 Lunch Menu

Contact Us:

  • Laura Carraway
    Child Nutrition Supervisor
    (662) 289-4771

    Send Email

  • Food Allergies Medical Form
  • Online Lunch Application
  • My School Bucks
  • Resources

Child Nutrition Department

  • Welcome to Kosciusko School District’s Child Nutrition Department. Our mission is to serve healthy, nutritious, affordable school meals to help all students be successful in school. We offer menu choices in keeping with the dietary guidelines and USDA nutrient standards, all while incorporating local and student-friendly services. If you have questions about our lunches or meal service, give us a call. We’ll be happy to help you.

    Thank you for your interest in our department.

Attention Parents and Students of KSD:

  • The USDA has announced the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for the upcoming 2021-2022 School Year. This program will extend free meals to all students. As always, the KSD Office of Child Nutrition is looking forward to offering a healthy breakfast and lunch each day to the students of KDS.

    Free/Reduced Meal Applications will still need to be submitted, one for each family, and will be sent home at the beginning of school. You may also fill out meal applications online through the district’s webpage. These applications help assure federal funding for our schools and also secure your child’s eligibility for the start of the 2022-23 school year.

    If you have any questions, please call Laura Carraway at (662)289-8765, or email

    Laura Carraway
    CN Director
    Kosciusko School District

    This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


What are the Cafeteria rules?

  • We expect our students to be orderly, tidy, and mannerly in the cafeteria. All students must:

    1. Demonstrate good table manners, which include taking tray, milk carton, paper, silverware, etc., to its proper place before leaving the cafeteria. 
    2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to one's self. 
    3. Refrain from breaking line. 
    4. Use appropriate language. Use no obscene words. Maintain proper voice level. 
    5. Show respect for teachers, students, and their possessions.

    We do not allow parents or businesses to bring any take-out orders or home-cooked lunches to school.

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

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Last Modified on December 2, 2022